martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

E portafolio

The first topic that I think is important to summarize and focus a little more are prepositions, as there are many prepositions and not always easy to learn.

One of this topic is the verbs and adjectives with prepositions

First, the thing that we need to know about the prepositions, are short words (in, on, about, under.. ) that usually stand in front of nouns.
Exist many types of preposition like place, time

To understand better,here is an example:

There are many phrases that use fixed prepositions.

Verb + preposition:  opt for , distinguish from, succeed in
Adjective + preposition: short of, riddled with, lacking in

Prepositions generally introduce prepositional phrases. Prepositional phrases look like this:
preposition + optional modifiers + noun, pronoun, or gerund

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